Thursday, August 14, 2008

Time to Organize

We've been here now longer than 4 months and it's time to organize.  I've found this difficult to do with as much time and energy I spend at work and with the dogs.  In the evenings, we go on a nice long walk, grab some grub and usually read or watch a show and then go to bed (since we get up quite early).  It's taken me a while to adjust to this place and I think that I'm starting to feel a little less alien here (though my recent trips out of town have reminded me how much I enjoy being in more urban cities)...

This weekend, I will be organizing the insanity that is "my stuff" and making purposeful areas around the "nest".  I need a place to do yoga, and for friends who join me on occasion.  That will be the 2nd floor in front of the tv (for the Shiva Rae Dance Yoga DVD).  I need space to store my "projects" which include sewing garments and handbags, and pillows.  

I really need a place for all of my files.  I've gone through most of them now, and have purged, but still need to have a permanent place for them.  Can't find anything easily now.  Bad thing.

The dogs stuff is completely organized (was there ever any doubt).  

Need to re-prioritize my wardrobe and do some editing.  Think I'm getting to the stage that I don't want to keep everything around "just in case".  Let the donations begin!

That's it for me tonight.


1 comment:

FQM said...

More updates good! Miss you as always. You were a part of my story at the back fence event. Wished you could have been there. Stay cool! xoxo!